C-Suite (Small Group Coaching Program)

Your needs are not one size fits all, yet most solutions treat you that way.

The C-Suite provides supportive small group coaching with a personal approach that is anything but cookie-cutter.

Ready to move from hobby biz owner to CEO?

Did you start your business with this big dream of being your own boss, controlling your own time, and make lots of money while helping others only to find out that it did not magically happen?  

ME TOO!  It all seemed so easy in my head and then I realized all the stuff I did not know. 

So off I went like the good student to try to learn from others how to do it.  Some of the things I learned helped, but much of it did not quite fit for me.  Yet I kept trying to find the secret formula that was going to take me from spending more than I was make (the definition of a hobby) to actually making a profit and feeling like the CEO I proclaimed to be on my business card.

So what shifted?  How did I step into being the CEO and creating a profitable impact?

I hired a coach and became part of a mastermind that treated me like an individual.  I learned what was unique about me and created plans and strategies that aligned to me.  I figured out that my self-growth and being fully me was the answer.

Did that happen overnight?  NOPE!  It was a process of being uncomfortable,  being scared and taking the next step anyway, and celebrating every gain I made along the way.  

NONE of that would have happened without my coach and the support of the women I surrounded myself with during that time.  NONE of it would continue without the same thing.

One of the big lessons I had to learn.  Nothing was wrong with me.  I could be ME and be successful on my terms.

So what does that mean for you? NOTHING is wrong with you.  You just need a better way to determine what strategies are a better fit.

AND that begins with really knowing who you are, how you work, and what your business needs.  

The secret to stepping into being the CEO of your business is all about knowing yourself and growing yourself!

The key components are:
Clarity + LEADERSHIP ENERGY + Ownership Mastery

So what does that look like?

1-1 Coaching

Every month you'll hop on Zoom to get coaching on stuck spots, goals, strategies, or anything else that needs attention in your life and biz. The focus will be on coming up with solutions that work for you and that integrate your strengths, energy, and desires. And if you are getting in your own way, we will take time to deal with that so you can get back on track.

What's Your Work Style Assessment

One of the core components of my work with clients is discovering their natural workstyle so that you get to design your work to match your natural strengths. Many describe this as finally getting permission to be themselves. When you embrace your style you will find you get better results using less effort and with less stress. No more thinking you need to do work in a way that just does not work for you!

Energy Leadership Assessment and More

Somedays it seems like all the stars are aligned and others like a black cloud is following you around. That is normal and all part of your overall energy. The great news is that with this assessment you are going to get a snapshot of what is going on for you and how you can make adjustments to have more sunny days even when the stressful parts of life show up at your door.

Because your daily energy impacts your productivity and success so much, each month we will explore ways and tools you can continue to improve how you show up and how to shift when you want to hide from the world and just binge your DVR recordings. HINT - part of what is keeping you stuck in your hobby business is your energy level. Shift your energy, shift your results and satisfaction.

Focus Friday

Worried you still have more to learn? Not to worry because every month we will spend an entire Friday working on an aspect of your business that will allow you to grow. In this intimate, small group, you will have a chance to take the content and actually apply it to your unique situation while also getting support from me and the other members of the C-Suite

Finish It FRiday

Do you end the month focused on what you did not get done? That is why I created this day. On the final Friday of the month the C-Suite group meets to celebrate all the progress made, completes that one last task that puts the cherry on top of the month, and then we shift to creating a plan for the priorities for the next month. This single day has been the catalyst of so much success in the women in this group and I am confident you will experience the same.

Postive Prime Your Mindset

Everyday we are bombarded with negative messages and images. Add in the negative committee that likes to sprinkle in criticism and self doubt and it is no wonder many women entrepreneurs are suffering from imposter syndrome and not feeling they are good enough. This tool will help you counteract all that in just 5 minutes prime you for success. It gets your day off to a great start and provides that perfect pick-me-up whenever you need a little boost.

Task Rating app

This powerful little app is going to let you assess your tasks, especially those you are avoiding, to see what might be getting in the way. Getting to the source of what is going on will allow you to take action to shift your energy around a task and even share the results with me to get some quick laser coaching. No more losing days and weeks on procrastination with this quick tool in your pocket.

bonus - Training Vault

To make it easy for you to add additional tools to your knowledge toolbox, you get access to every training in my vault. Topics from money mindset to the foundations of building your course.

BONUS - Quarterly Extra

Every quarter you get to either add an extra 1-1 coaching session OR you can get my help with creating/reviewing something you need for your business. It would be an update to your business card, a marketing flyer, or review of your website, email, or sales page. So instead of having to hire someone who doesn't really know you or your biz, you get to harness my skills and knowledge of you from our work together to get extra support in moving forward. Only C-Suite members get access to me in this way.

How do I get started with C-Suite?

You chat with me so we can see if it is a great fit. 

No high pressure here.  It is either a great fit or not. 

If this is not the right thing for you, I will offer suggestions on what might be a better fit.

What are clients saying
Vicki and the C-Suite have helped me shed the corporate mindset that has kept me stuck. I am learning to embrace that I get to choose what my business looks like and just had my first gallery show.
Debb Walker
I am in my 4th year as a member of C-Suite and I keep renewing because I keep growing and so does my business thanks to my work with Vicki
Cheri Martin
So Social Visionary
Since coaching with Vicki as part of the C-Suite I have increased my number of clients, offerings, and prices. She has helped me to create professional materials that have elevated my business.
Kimberly Wells
Life Coach

Who is C-SUITE a great fit for?

Women entrepreneurs who want the support of a small group environement and who are ready to:
  • Take small, consistent steps to reach their goals
  • Do the inner work to release the ISH (inner critic, stories, and history) that is keeping them stuck
  • Let go of the quick fix, shiny object solutions that are not a fit for them or their business
  • Create a profitable impact by creating results for your clients and charging what they are worth
  • Quit treating their business like a hobby and step into the role of CEO
  • Develop a new way of operating their business that centers on YOU being the secret to your success

Who is not a great fit

Women entrepreneurs who:
  • Don’t like working in small groups
  • Want to just be told what to do and how to do it
  • Are not willing to put in the effort to get what they want
  • Would rather keep investing in shiny objects that may or may not work
  • Want to continue undercharging and underearning
  • Think the answers to their success is out there and not in themselves
  • Have no desire to get aligned, raise their leadership energy and develop themselves

Ready to Step into the C-Suite?

Let’s chat to see if this is the right fit for you and if I am the right coach for you.