Kolbe Team Assessment

Only 5% of the world does things the same way you do.

Knowing the MO of the members of your team allows you to ensure they are doing work that aligns with their strengths and how to maximize each team members contribution.

How does this help you and your company?

You may have heard the saying of making sure you have the right people in the right seats on the bus.  Well knowing each team member’s MO allows you to ensure they are doing work that is naturally aligned to their strengths.  For example, assigning detailed work to someone who has a score of 7-10 in fact finder rather than to someone who scores a 1-3.

When team members get to do work that fits their strength, they enjoy what they do more and you get better results from the work they do.  

When team members are forced to do that work that is not a fit (goes against the grain), they will often burn out and results will be poor ultimately resulting in turnover which can become an expensive headache.

The other bonus of knowing each persons MO is the creation of synergist teams that leverage different strengths to complete projects with greater ease.

However, the key benefit my clients report is realizing what strengths they need for future hires so they can ensure they hire someone who is a natural fit for the work that needs to get done.  

So what does learning your team's MO involve?

36-Question assessment

Each team member will take the Kolbe A Index including you the leader.

Detailed REsults

Each team member will receive their individual results both in an online and detailed 18 page report. In addition, you will receive additional reports that provide an overview of the team as a whole and also coaching reports to help you to maximize the MO of each person.

Leadership Debrief

This 1.5 hour session provides an overview of the results, insights into any challenges that may be showing up based on the results, and a chance to ask questions and prepare for sharing the results with the full team.

Full Team Debrief

During this 1.5 hour session, your Certified Consultant will provide an overview the Kolbe A reports, answer questions, and provide an overview of the team results. Based on the leadership debrief additional topics may also be covered. The key goal of this debrief is to get everyone on the same page and provide a jumping off point for understanding and appreciating different strengths.

So How is this different from other tests like DISC and Myers-Briggs?

Those are great tests and definitely give you insight into yourself.  They do not, however, specifically measure your natural workstyle.  

Only the Kolbe A Index can do that.  The Kolbe measures your “doing” style while those measure your personal traits.  

What are clients saying
My company has been using Kolbe for the past 2 years. It has helped us to realize where bottlenecks are likely to occur, determine which tasks to assign to which team members and to create a way to communicate that is improving the flow of our work. We continue to work with Vicki to enhance our use of Kolbe.
Teresa Townsend
Planning Communities
Getting my Kolbe A results changed my business. I finally understood why certain things were so draining and I began to focus on my strengths instead. Knowing I am a natural strategic planner has given me the freedom to be me!
Cheri Martin
So Social Visionary
As a 3 person team knowing our Kolbe MOs has allowed us to each take on the tasks that match our strengths and avoid having to do those things that drain us. It has made creating a team that works well together even easier. It is a tool we will use with every new employee going forward.
Demaris Crum
CoWork 1010

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